Via del Porto 1/A, 25080 - Moniga del Garda (ITALY)
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Via del Porto 1/A, 25080 - Moniga del Garda (ITALY)
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Regolamento (UE) 2016/679
Information Document EX Art.13 of E.U. regulation N.2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR)
Anna Holiday srl Via Dante, 7 - 25080 Moniga del Garda, email annaholiday@pec.it; Phone: 0365504259 (in seguito, “Titolare”), as holder of the data processing, informs you according to �GDPR� art.13 E.U. Regulation n.2016/679 your data will be processed in the following manner and for the following purposes:
1. Processing modality
The personal data provided by you will be processed by the holder in hard copy form, electronically or by computer.
2. Purpose of the processing
Your personal data is treated without your prior expressed consent, in compliance with what required by Art. 6 lett. Paragraph 1 lett. b) of the GDPR for the following purposes:
The processing of your personal data is done through the modalities indicated in the GDPR art. 4 paragraph 1 n. 2) and in the detail: collection, registration, organisation, conservation, consultation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, block, communication, cancellation and destruction of the data. Your personal data undergoes both hard copy and/or electronic and/or automatised process.
Ai sensi del comma 3 dell’art. 7 l’interessato ha il diritto di revocare in qualsiasi momento il proprio consenso, con le modalità di seguito riportate.
3. Conservation
The personal data given for the purposes listed above will be kept for the entire length of the contract and for the 10 years following the expiry date of the contract itself, for accounting and fiscal purposes, according to the current legislation.
4. Access to the personal data
Your data will be made accessible for the above purposes:
5. Communication of the data
Without your expressed consent ex GDPR art. 6 paragraph 1 lett. b) and c), the holder will be allowed to communicate your data for the purposes listed in point 2 to supervisory bodies and legal authorities when required to by law. Your data won�t be divulged.
6. Data Transfer
The management and the conservation of the personal data will take place on servers located in the E.U. The data won�t be subject to transfers outside the E.U. However, it is intended that the holder, if necessary, will be entitled to move the location of the servers in Italy and/or in the E.U. and/or to countries outside the E.U. In this case, the Holder ensures, as of now, that the transfer of the extra-E.U data will take place in accordance with the applicable laws by stipulating, if necessary, agreements that guarantee an adequate level of protection and or/ by adopting standard contractual clauses provided for by the E.U.
7. Nature of data provision and consequences of refusal
The provision of the data for the purposes listed in point 2 is mandatory. In their absence, we won�t be able to ensure the correct management of the contractual relationship created.
8. Rights of the involved subjects.
As involved subjects, you will have the rights listed in GDPR art.15 and precisely the rights to::
9. Procedures for the exercise of rights
At any moment, you will be able to exercise your rights by sending an email, a fax or a registered letter to the Holder�s address.
10. Holder and persons in charge
The holder of the processing is Anna Holiday Via Dante, 7 - 25180 Moniga del Garda, Indirizzo e-mail annaholiday@pec.it; Phone: +390365504259
The adjourned list of the persons in charge of the processing is kept at the premises of the holder of the processing.